Out of the blue this morning Sylvester hopped up on Lianne’s box of coupons and started kneading away at her stuffed turtle. Too cute.
Over the weekend Lianne and I tried to start a “de-cluttering” project. Which obviously wore Sylvester out with all the hard work he put in.
It required lots of napping to keep his energy up to a level where he was able to help (aka wreak havoc on the place).
Still more napping…
… and more napping…
finally awake!
As you can see, he’s a really tough boss… here he’s telling me to put down my game of Angry Birds and get back to work!
and Sylvester’s ON the 52 gallon tank! *sigh* No surface is safe in this house right now. He jumped from the floor below and landed on top of the tank. Wow.
He sat there looking at me wondering how to get down. I told him that was his problem!
Things really are getting better, but he’s still testing his limits around the house. I think we’re doing good for less than 2 weeks of him being here.
We even get the occasional peace and quiet between these two. Not often, and not for long – but more peace than Millie and Moose ever had together. Sylvester has become VERY pushy towards Moose. He wants to chase and play, and she would just like some space. There’s a lot of whining, hissing, swatting, etc. It’s not too long before they’re back in the same room together.
See? Everyone *can* be in the same room together! Ok, so Sylvester is technically in the bathroom – close enough! 🙂
As you can see… Sylvester is settling in quite nicely. There’s still a long way to go. He still spooks easily at times with the dogs around. He still isn’t best buds with Mooz. But he’s getting quite comfortable.Loves sitting on the desk…
Lianne took this one earlier today while cleaning out some clutter. Mooz and Sylvester do seem to be getting along a little bit better now. After one week they’re already way ahead of where Mooz and Millie were with each other.